It is a truth universally acknowledged that conventional male trousering is unsuitable for cycling, particularly when astride a drop-handlebar machine as pictured above (my 22-year-old Dawes Galaxy).
It's a pocket-design thing. Stuff falls out. Sensible people wear specialist clothing - or empty their pockets prior ro departure.
No prizes for guessing that, when pedalling the short distance to work today, I chose to ignore this wise counsel, absent-mindedly bunging my wallet in my trouser pocket as I left the house.
I didn't notice that the wallet was missing until lunchtime, whereupon I abandoned myself to a protracted bout of searching, wailing and self-recrimination.
Next I picked up the phone and cancelled my cards.
And then my phone rang.
A charming woman informed me that her son had found my wallet and had identified me as its owner thanks to presence within of my change-of-address card. It was awaiting collection at her house.
So in the wonderful economy of human interchange, my act of foolishness was countered by a deed of straightforward honesty and kindness.
Hence the fact that I'm celebrating the integrity of one local teenager, and of the family and school that have helped to shape those values in him.
I wouldn't dream of embarrassing him by mentioning his name. But here's a link to his school.
Thank you very much.
had a similar experience recently, dropping my credit card walking around sainsbury's... realising this, i spent an anguished 3 minutes walking around the store, checking and re-checking my pockets... only to have a lady ask me if i had lost my card... it's always good to know that there remains a significant number of good, ordinary people on this planet...
Hooray for little acts of kindness!
Sacrebleu! Was that not Monsieur le Gnome que j'ai vu assis a une table near the front at the Lido de Paris. Il buvait absinthe , et absolument goggled at ze topless girls. 'E is a dark cheval, ce Monsieur G.
Dear Anon
How delicious to hear from you.
Adore your poems - some of the finest available.
So, you too were at the Lido de Paris?
And the purpose of your visit?
Pastoral visit? Checking the electricity meter? Sequin-ennumeration survey?
A pot-kettle evenement?
Do pop back
Mr G
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