A call this morning to the government's advisory service was answered instantly and helpfully. A simple questionnaire led to a positive assessment and I was issued with a collection number for the Tamiflu antiviral medication.
A kind friend collected the tablets on my behalf and dropped them on my doorstep.
All very efficient. Now it's simply a matter of staying at home until I'm no longer a risk to others. Nice to get it over with.
Over and out.
Your HB's bro the other side of the pond and your sis-in-law wish you a speedy recovery. We are fairly confident that the HB has a good stack of reading matter - always a "must" even if one doesn't have the strength to turn the pages! Pip, pip!
Hope you get well soon! Close your eyes and think of nice things...that helps!
Did you have a nice five days?
I, Mr Gnome, have had a pleasant week.
Not so sure about the human associate.
The fluey-achey thing last night mutated into a cold-sweaty gastric thing.
Hope you are bug-free.
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