If pressed, he will admit to a smouldering passion for the half-timbered pleasures afforded by the Morris Minor Traveller.
But he's prepared, every now and then, to be seduced by the shiny delights of more modern motors.
The 'new' Mini is a case in point.
Mr Gnome is unashamedly interested in that key question regarding any new car: 'What colour is it?'
He feels that red is the sine qua non tint for this particular set of wheels. For a vehicle so packed with 'va-va-voom' any other colour would be inadequate. Pale chartreuse? Please....
Ever alert to the vagaries of human psychology, Mr G enjoys noting links between the 'personality' of a car and the character of its owner.
So often the one expresses the other.
Definitely so in this case - see the title above....
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